Recognizing the hurt and anguish that the conflict in Gaza has caused in individuals and communities, an interfaith committee decided to plan an event to somehow address this. The idea that developed was to have conversations, or “Listening Circles”, among people of the four Abrahamic faiths, all of which have direct ties to the region.
On April 16, 40 people gathered in Christ Church Cathedral, 10 from each community: Jewish, Christian, Muslim and Baha’i. The evening began with a panel composed of members of those faiths (Rev. Jeannine Friesen, Rabbi Harry Brechner, Mustafa Abousaleh, and Adrienne Carter) responding briefly to two questions:
What are your biggest concerns around establishing peace & harmony in the world? And what are your biggest hopes or solutions?
Participants then split into small groups composed of two members from each of the 4 faiths for facilitated discussions on the same questions, gathering refreshments en route. The discussions were heartfelt, honest, sometimes emotional, often personal, always thoughtful. When people gathered again in a large group at the end of the evening, the feeling was that this was so beneficial and healing, we should definitely do it again.
In the words of one participant who sent a message right after the event: This space is a place of learning in many ways. Personally, I entered with greetings and hugs for my friends from [my community], and I left enriched with phone numbers, meaningful connections, profound conversations, and healing embraces from new friends from the other communities. Let’s continue to listen, understand, and bring our hearts… I am in whatever the next step will be.